Doctors of the World UK
Registered Charity Number: 1067406
About the charity
In the UK, Doctors of the World provides medical care and advocates for the rights of people in crisis – often people seeking asylum, refugees, migrants – through our health clinic, advice line and campaigning work.
What our donation will help fund
Your kind donation will support us to not only provide vital healthcare and casework support to people who are currently unable to access the care they need, but to challenge the policies that are preventing our clients from accessing healthcare.
Each year we support around 2,000 people from across the country who are unable to access healthcare – most are seeking asylum, refugees or migrants who are living in very vulnerable circumstance. Our service is delivered by an incredible team of volunteers, most of whom are health and social care professionals, backed up by our experienced staff team.
This gift will enable us to continue to deliver our clinic services, advice line and outreach work alongside our campaigning for change.