Share (Portsmouth)
Registered Charity Number: 1200905
About the Charity
Share (Portsmouth) helps local residents reduce carbon and waste, as well as save money, through repairing (Repair Café Portsmouth), repurposing (Time After Time e-waste project) and sharing (Portsmouth Library of Things).
What our donation will help fund
This donation enables us to keep our pilot project going for a number of extra months. Our new hub in the city’s main shopping centre, is now home to Repair Café Portsmouth, where local residents can bring along their broken things and work with our skilled volunteers to try and fix them, and Portsmouth Library of Things, which allows people to borrow things that they infrequently use, rather than having to buy, store and maintain them.
People are looking for ways to reduce their carbon and costs, and this prime location increases our reach and impact. In our first two months of being open we helped residents to save 32 kg of waste, 1413 kg of carbon and £3,096 through sharing and repairing, and we had 710 people visit the hub to find out more about what we do.
This funding will help us build on this great start and continue to change the culture in our wonderful city – doing our part for the planet.