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Enable Ireland Disability Services

Registered Charity Number: 20006617

About the Charity

Enable Ireland provides health & social services to over 13,000 children and adults with disabilities across Ireland, as well as their families.

What our grant will help to fund

This grant will help expand access to Enable Ireland’s Assistive Technology Loan Library. The library will expand iPad Hubs at high-demand Children Disability Network Team centres.

This will reduce wait times and enhance access to devices. The project extends the reach of our Loan Library, ensuring timely access to technology for children.

Sustainability is ensured through partnerships and one-off purchases. Each hub, including pre-installed apps and GDPR-compliant features, will be tailored based on historical usage data. The project leverages evidence from sources like WHO and HSE, addressing the urgent need for Augmented Alternative Communication (AAC) devices. This grant will support better communication and inclusion for children with disabilities, maximizing their potential and improving lives.

This initiative supports children and young people with disabilities by enhancing their communication, educational opportunities, and community participation, and fostering independence. Beneficiaries include children, therapists, educators, and families, who rely on AT for communication, academic success, and social integration. Immediate access to updated AT helps therapists provide better support and families improve interactions with their children.

“We’re very grateful to have received this grant from the Movement for Good programme. It will expand the reach of our Assistive Technology Loan Library which means more children and young people with disabilities will get timely access to technology. The funding will support Enable Ireland in our mission to help create a more inclusive and accessible society for all.”

Dónal Kitt, National Fundraising Manager, Enable Ireland Disability Services

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