British Veterinary Association Animal Welfare Foundation
Registered Charity Number: 1192203
About the Charity
AWF is a science-led, cross-species charity which supports the veterinary and animal welfare professions to collectively champion and improve the welfare of animals by funding independent research, supporting education and encouraging debate.
What our grant will help to fund
AWF is one of few charities focussing its work solely on animal welfare. Through our student grant scheme, we give undergraduates the chance to experience research into any species and deepen their understanding of animal welfare. This empowers them to take on the animal welfare challenges that so urgently need addressing.
Many animals in the care of humans don’t have their welfare needs met, causing great suffering. We make a difference by funding research to characterise animal welfare issues, work out why they are happening and how to solve them. Knowledge from this research helps promote better practice on the ground and underpin legislation. AWF supports veterinary and allied professionals with up-to-date evidence to guide them in fulfilling their duty of protecting animal welfare.
This project will help by inspiring and training the next generation of animal welfare scientists. The knowledge students gain will help them make decisions and take actions that are based on sound evidence. This will in turn influence those they work with and the animals they treat. The Benefact Group’s grant could fund up to 5 undergraduates to carry out research projects in 2025.
“AWF contributes to the improvement of animal welfare by funding innovative research, supporting educational initiatives and encouraging conscientious debate. Our work provides those working in the animal welfare sector with up-to-date knowledge of what animals need, what the issues are and how they might be solved.
Robust scientific evidence is needed to tackle the many welfare issues faced by animals today. This Movement for Good award will help us achieve our mission, by funding undergraduates to carry out animal welfare research projects during 2025. Their work will add to the evidence base on a variety of welfare issues, support their future careers, and build a strong pool of future animal welfare scientists.”
Erika Singh, AWF Manager