Hounds For Heroes
Registered Charity Number: 1134359
About the Charity
Hounds for Heroes was founded by Allen Parton so that injured personnel from the military and the ‘blue-light’ services have the opportunity to benefit from the life-transforming experience he had through partnering with an assistance dog.
What our donation will help fund
This money will assist us in our aim of placing assistance dogs with injured and disabled veterans and emergency service personnel. As a service-orientated organisation, we are privileged to have the support of both serving and ex-service personnel. However, we do recognise that without the phenomenal level of support we receive from organisations such as yours, we would not be in the position to place life-enhancing dogs with members of both the armed forces and emergency services.
Your ongoing support sends such a positive message and enables us to change the life of so many people. Let us assure you that every single penny received makes a huge impact to the charity’s work.
Since the charity started placing dogs in 2013 we have placed 32 dogs which includes 9 successor dogs, have 17 active working partnerships and 17 dogs/puppies at various stages in their training. We refer to each intake of puppies as a Squadron and each puppy as a cadet. All cadets are progressing well in their training. We look forward to our next Squadron joining us, which will enable us to continue with our aim to improve and enhance the quality of our partners’ lives.
“On behalf of Hounds for Heroes, I would like to express our gratitude for the much-appreciated donation of £1,000 from your Movement For Good initiative.”
Megan Clark, Marketing & Fundraising Assistant, Hounds For Heroes