Dunoon Burgh Hall Trust
Registered Charity Number: SC041392
About the Charity
Dunoon Burgh Hall is an inclusive organisation which works hard to improve mental wellbeing for those in Cowal by providing access to arts and culture through a year-long programme of free exhibitions, theatre, events, workshops and learning opportunities.
What our donation will help fund
Dunoon Burgh Hall is a vital performing arts and cultural centre for Dunoon and the Cowal Peninsula, providing a diverse range of high-quality cultural experiences for everyone. Our community education and outreach work are exemplary and demonstrate our commitment to create and provide opportunities for audiences of all ages and abilities to engage, learn, participate and improve their mental health and wellbeing through the arts.
We offer artist led workshops for schools; holiday activities for families and early years; trainee programmes and work experience opportunities for young people; and a ‘Creative Blethers’ programme for those with a long-term health condition or disability, and older people. This donation will go towards supporting this diverse range of activities for our rural community.
“This donation will help to support our organisation and the activities we offer to our community. We are proud to be able to offer a range of accessible creative activities for all, including Creative Blethers for older people, and artist workshops for children and young people. As an independent charity with no core funding, this is a vital contribution to the work we do. Thank you!”
Bruce Marshall, Chair, Dunoon Burgh Hall Trust