Operation Imprezza
Registered Charity Number: 1148240
About the Charity
Operation Imprezza is a UK charity which supports Imprezza Academy, an equal opportunity secondary school in the bush in the poorest part of Western Kenya that provides education for children in poverty.
What our donation will help fund
The £1,000 will be spent on additional bedding at Imprezza Academy to allow more students to be boarded and kept safe from early marriage, FGM, and extended families prioritising work over education.
The Academy offers free secondary education to orphans and children from homes where they are living in absolute poverty. Imprezza will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in January, and well over 2,000 students have benefitted, going on to successful careers in a wide range of occupations. Without Imprezza none of these students would have received secondary education – what a waste of talent. A huge thank you from everyone at Imprezza in Kenya and the UK to all the people who nominated us for this donation.
Currently we are increasing/improving our boarding facilities for girls, to allow us to increase numbers. Girls are especially vulnerable with the pressure of early marriage so the family can get a dowry, FGM, extended families prioritising jobs at home over being in school etc.
This is why we prioritise girls boarding. All our existing female students board and we have a dual push to both improve facilities and increase numbers.
At the moment we are in the process of fund raising to put in 50 double bunks, 100 mattresses, 2 lots of bedclothes x 100 and 100 mosquito nets. The total bill will be around £9,500. This planned improvement will take place as funds allow. We have currently so far received £3,000 towards this and the £1,000 from Movement for Good will take us to almost the halfway mark.
A huge thank you from everyone at Imprezza in Kenya and the UK to Movement for Good and all the people who nominated us for this donation.