Legacy Fundraising 101: Why is legacy giving growing and how can it benefit your charity?

Legacies (or gifts in Wills) are the fastest growing source of income for charities. In this recorded webinar, we attempt to simplify legacy fundraising and cover why legacy giving is growing, why people leave legacies and when and why people make a Will.

Our expert speaker, Richard Radcliffe, Associate Trainer from the Directory of Social Change, shares some simple steps that your charity could take to get started with legacies.

Webinar Speaker

Richard Radcliffe, Associate Trainer at Directory of Social Change

Richard has over 35 years’ experience in legacies: running supporter focus groups (he has met 35,000 supporters for over 400 charities), drafted hundreds of practical legacy strategies from the very small to the global and he has trained over 40,000 people in “how to communicate legacies” nicely. His first book, published by Smee & Ford, “Why legacies are brilliant for charities and how to get them” has sold globally.